Your bid is for SHORELINER,
Volume 17, Number 2, 1986, published by the New Haven Railroad Historical &
Technical Association, Inc. This high quality publication measures 21.5 by 28.0
cm and contains 40 pages with Editor-Publisher William G. Dulmaine, Jr. The
cover photo shows RS-3 No.529 leading a Maybrook symbol freight in 1959 in a
Peter McLaughlin photo. The inside front cover features 2 B&W photos: a
steam powered local backs south from New Hartford in a Kent Cochrane work and
the other shows the Park Square car house in Woonsocket in a fine photo circa
1910. "Wire Train" contains 4 letters concerning the 1955 Bridgeport
disaster and other wrecks, and a fine obituary for George O. McDonald. DANBURY
and NORWALK RAILROAD, A Successful Enterprise, THE HOUSATONIC LEASE, Part 3, by
Peter L. Cornwall carries on professionally over 9 pages, including a
Houstatonic RR map of 1892; 11 period photos, all but 3 of Standards of the era
discussed; a tentative locomotive roster 1851-1886; and a reproduction of part
of the last Housatonic timetable dated June 6, 1892. WHAT'S THE STORY? by
George Votara shows a 1913 RPO at Woodlawn Jct. apparently painted to match the
SS lightweights. CLEJAN TRAILINER FLAT CARS by Marc Frattasio discusses the New
Haven TOFC services of the 1950's, over 9 pages, and shows just how it was done
mechanically with the help of 16 very explicit photos. If you model the NH in
this era, you'll love this article. As the writer says: "Unfortunately,
the New Haven suffered from its status as a piggyback innovator." MODELING
THE NEW HAVEN, by the same author, continues on with 4 more pages on The 18000
and 18100 Series Clejan Type Piggy Back Flat Cars in HO Scale with 6 model
photos, some 13 drawings and detailed bills of materials. NEW HAVEN
"O" GAUGE BRASS by Wayne Drummond fills several columns with the
Overland Models Brass DL-109 story and includes 2 photos. ON THE NEW HAVEN ...
Today devotes 2 pages and 3 photos to the SHORELINER DEBUT by Tom Curtin. The
next page is 2 photos of new additions to the Connecticut Valley Railroad
Museum collection showing once NH FA-1 No.0401 and parlor car
"Plymouth". VARIATIONS ON A THEME by C.A. Brown spends 2 photos and a
long caption discussing N.H. Wooden Cabeese. TROLLEY STOP is THE WOONSOCKET
DIVISION of the RHODE ISLAND COMPANY by Edwin V. Dunlop and is the definitive
work on this part of the trolley world extending over 6 pages and including a
fine map and 18 photos. If Woonsocket or trolley transportation is your thing,
you'll want to study this piece. The rear cover is a great Charles B. Gunn
photo of C-Liner No.795 in front of the Cedar hill coaling stage in the mid
1950's. Modelers take note! This magazine is in excellent, unread,
new-old-stock condition. Your satisfaction guaranteed. Please see my other eBay
auctions for more rare and scarce railroad paper. I provide personal service
without silly eBay games like waiting for payment before shipping, mandated
payment methods, clumsy communications and charging for return shipping. Please
check my feedback and DSR's. Everything I sell is POSTPAID USA, so the winning
bid is what you pay, plus eBay’s state tax if applicable, unless you want
special services. I normally ship first day after auction ends IF I have a
payment plan & a proper shipping address, or you are a recent previous
buyer. Thank you for reading. Alden Dreyer, 91 Reynolds Road, Shelburne MA
01370-9649. Copyright by AHD September 2021.